A specific character of physiological-biochemical stress responses of pumpkin plants to toxic effect of cadmium under conditions of salinity in the course of their long-term cross-adaptation was investigated. Cr and NaCl were added either alone or in combination in Knop solution along with non-treated controls. In 7- and 14- day plants, all the physiological processes studied (shoot and root growth, bioaccumulation of fresh and dry biomass by them and nitrogen-protein metabolism in different plant organs) were found to be more sensitive to inhibitory action of Cr excess than to NaCl effect. However, in 21-day plants, especially in their roots, a some activation of growth and biosynthetic processes was observed in the presence of combined Cr and NaCl treatments than at their lone application. All this indicates that an adaptation of plants to salinity is accompanied by a some reduction in toxic effect of Cr on growth and metabolism of plants
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