At present, the demand for aromatic hydrocarbons formed during pyrolysis is increasing, and it becomes relevant to separate them from liquid products. In this regard, it becomes necessary to study all the factors affecting the production of aromatic hydrocarbons. The main role in solving this problem is assigned to the study of the mechanism of the formation of aromatic products under pyrolysis conditions and the study of gasoline pyrolysis in a wide range of contact times. Thermal transformations of ethylene, propylene, and divinyl have been devoted to a significant number of works; however, the available data differ not only in quantitative results, but also in the variety of proposed aromatization schemes. There are conflicting conclusions about the role of ethylene, propylene, and divinyl in the aromatization reaction. Thus, the most widespread scheme for the formation of benzene by the Diels-Alder reaction in the interaction of divinyl with ethylene, however, there is an opinion that propylene takes a greater part in the formation of aromatic products than ethylene. In the radical mechanism of the formation of aromatic hydrocarbons from ethylene and propylene. Other works suggest that divinyl plays the leading role in the formation of aromatic compounds. The proposed mechanisms of aromatization are often hypothetical. In addition, most studies were carried out 45 at low temperatures for pyrolysis (up to 700 ° C). Therefore, we consider it expedient to study the transformations of ethylene, propylene, and divinyl under comparable conditions at a temperature close to the industrial temperature (800 ° C).
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