The article analyzes tap water in different seasons of the year. Water analysis was carried out in January, April and May for total hardness, pH, and iron ion content. Seasonal fluctuations in total hardness associated with active snow melting have been established. The maximum excess of the total hardness was observed in the winter period. The rest of the determined indicators do not exceed the SanPiN norms throughout the entire study period.
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3 GOST 25794.1-83. Reaktivy. Metody prigotovleniya titrovannyh rastvorov dlya kislotno-osnovnogo titrovaniya. – Moskva: IPK Izdatelstvo standartov, 1984.
4 GOST 31861- 2012 Voda pitevaya. Otbor prob na stanciyah vodopodgotovki i v truboprovodnyh raspredelitelnyh sistemah. – Moskva: Standartinform, 2016.
5 Sanitarnye pravila i normy SanPiN. «Pitevaya voda. Gigienicheskie trebovaniya k kachestvu vody centralizovannyh sistem pitevogo vodosnabzheniya. Kontrol kachestva», Moskva: Minzdrav Rossii, 2001 g.
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