The pharmacy business is one of the most important, as well as socially significant and socially responsible in the modern economy. Currently, the pharmacy sector of the Russian pharmaceutical market is experiencing a high level of development of the competitive environment and the search for competitive advantages of pharmacy organizations. However, the problem of social responsibility of the subjects of the pharmaceutical market remained outside the sphere of scientific interests of domestic scientists.
The aim of the study was to study social responsibility in the pharmacy business. The main method of collecting and analyzing information in the study was content analysis of materials from the official websites of Russian pharmacy chains. A practical argument for the choice of Internet resources as an empirical basis for the study was the desire to conduct a large-scale analysis of the features of the development of social responsibility of pharmacy chains with different economic opportunities.
The article presents the main characteristics of national regulatory documents on SSR issues, presents the results of the analysis of public information posted on the official websites of the TOP 100 pharmacy chains in Russia.
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