The As2S3-In2Te3 system was investigated by differential thermal (DTA), X-ray phase (XRD), microstructural (MSA) analysis, as well as measurements of microhardness and density, and a T-x phase diagram was constructed. It was found that the As2S3-In2Te3 section is a quasi-binary section of the ternary reciprocal system As, In // S, Te. It was found that one incongruent compound In2As2S3Te3 is formed in the system, melting at 405oC. It was found that in the system solid solutions based on In2Te3 reach 2 mol %, and practically not found on the basis of As2S3. The joint crystallization of As2S3 and In2As2S3Te3 ends at a double eutectic point, the composition of which is 10 mol % In2Te3 and a temperature of 250оС. In the system, upon slow cooling, the glass formation region based on As2S3 reaches 8 mol % In2Te3, and in the mode of quenching in ice water about 12 mol % In2Te3.
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