The interactions in the Sb2S3-CuCr2Te4 system were studied using complex methods of physicochemical analysis, differential thermal (DTA), X-ray phase (XRD), microstructural (MSA) analysis, as well as measurements of microhardness and density, and the T-x phase diagram was constructed. It was found that the system is a quasi-binary eutectic type. On the basis of the initial components, limited regions of solid solutions were found, which on the basis of Sb2S3 extend to 4 mol %, and on the basis of CuCr2Te4 up to -10 mol. %. Compounds Sb2S3 and CuCr2Te4 form a eutectic, the composition of which corresponds to 20 mol % CuCr2Te4 and melts at 420оС.
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