This article develops the idea of the need to use new methods in training police officers in first aid measures to increase their motivational and professional readiness to provide first aid at the scene. The current statistics of road traffic accidents (road accidents) are analyzed in the context of the number of injured and dead, world according to the World Health Organization (WHO), local according to the federal bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA). The relevance of making changes to the first aid training programs for organizations with a high level of exposure to production factors is considered by the example of police officers in the context of accident statistics and survey data of police officers in the context of first aid to victims at the scene.
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V.A. Sidorenko, L.I. Dezhurnyj, A.Yu. Zakurdaeva, E.A. Trusova. Sredstva dlya okazaniya pervoj pomoshi: pravovoj aspekt ih zakupki organami vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii // Medicinskij vestnik MVD, № 3 (CVI), 2020, S. 2-6.
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