The kharacter of the interaction and glass formation in the As2Se3-In2Se3 system was investigated by the methods of physicochemical analysis (DTA, XRD, MSA, as well as by measuring the microhardness and determining the density) and the T-x phase diagram was constructed. The formation of a new compound of composition InAsSe3 in the As2Se3-In2Se3 system is established. The InAsSe3 compound is formed as a result of a peritactic reaction at 725оС. It was found that this InAsSe3 compound crystallizes in the tetragonal system with lattice parameters: a = 9.20 ± 0.02; c = 5.42 ± 0.02 Å, Z = 4, density ρpycn = 5.25.103 kg/m3, ρx-ray. = 5.86.103 kg/m3. In the As2Se3-In2Se3 system, solid solutions based on As2Se3 at room temperature reach 2 mol % In2Se3, and based on In2Se3-3 mol. % As2Sе3. It was found that in the As2Sе3-In2Se3 system upon slow cooling based on As2Se3, the glass formation region reaches 7 mol. % In2Se3, and in the mode of quenching in ice water up to 13 mol. % In2Se3.
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