• V. Ishinova Federal Scientific Disabled Rehabilitation Center named after G.A. Albrecht
Keywords: amputation, stump, phantom pain, phantom limb, subjective characteristics of the painless phantom sensations, biopsychosocial factors.


The article presents the research results of features of subjective spatial, qualitative and temporal characteristics in patients with painless phantom sensations after amputation of lower extremities. The influence of biological, psychological and social factors on their manifistation was studied. 

The received data confirm the leading role of the biological factors in changing of the painless phantom sensations expression in majority of patients. 

Subjective characteristics analysis of the painless phantom sensations showed the dependence their manifestation the time of day, duration of postoperative period and surgical intervention special aspects.

Author Biography

V. Ishinova , Federal Scientific Disabled Rehabilitation Center named after G.A. Albrecht

PhD  in Psychology, medical psychologist of the Psychological Rehabilitation Department


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How to Cite
Ishinova , V. 2022. “FEATURES OF SUBJECTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PAINLESS PHANTOM SENSATIONS IN PATIENTS AFTER LOWER LIMBS AMPUTATION ”. EurasianUnionScientists, January, 51-57. https://bio-med.euroasia-science.ru/index.php/Euroasia/article/view/794.