brucellosis, morbidity, cattle and small cattle, prevention, vaccination.
The epidemiological situation in the Russian Federation on brucellosis over the past years does not tend to improve. The situation with brucellosis in the Republic of Dagestan over the past 5 years is also unstable and is determined by the detection of brucellosis among agricultural animals and individual farms.Epizootic troubles for brucellosis and violations of sanitary and hygienic norms and rules in the management of animal husbandry with brucellosis are the main reasons for the wide spread of this infection and economic losses in the livestock industry. branches of agriculture. The paramount importance of the problem of the incidence of brucellosis acquires in the context of ongoing reforms in the agricultural sector aimed at increasing livestock of agricultural animals (large, small cattle).References
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2. Gorchakova, N.G. Osobennosti parazitarnoj sistemy brucelljoza / N.G. Gorchakova //Nauchnoissledovatel'skie publikacii. - 2017. - No 4. - S.14.
3. Informacionnyj resurs sajt Rossel'hoznadzora / Obzor jepidemiologicheskoj i jepizootologicheskoj situacii po brucellezu v mire v 2018 godu i prognoz na 2019 god v Rossijskoj Federacii - URL Publikacija ot 20.02.2019.
4. Litusov, N.V. Vozbuditeli brucelleza. / N.V. Litusov // Illjustrirovannoe uchebnoe posobie. – Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo UGMA, - 2012. - 38 s.
5. Infekcionnaja zabolevaemost' v Rossijskoj Federacii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rospotrebnadzor. Dostupno na:
How to Cite
Ulukhanova, L.U, and N.S Karnaeva. 2022. “BRUCELLOSIS IN THE REPUBLIC OF DAGESTAN”. EurasianUnionScientists, August, 03-05.
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