• Е.А Krasina FSBEI HE RostSMU MOH Russia
  • S.A Darsigova FSBEI HE RostSMU MOH Russia
  • A.V Barilo FSBEI HE RostSMU MOH Russia,
Keywords: stress, pregnancy, emotional connection, prenatal maternal stress, consequences of stress in children


The article deals with the actual problem of the influence of prenatal maternal stress on the child's body. The
main causes of stress in pregnant women and its possible consequences manifested in the state of health are
described. The extreme importance of timely correction of the stress state in a pregnant woman by means of regular
conversations with a doctor and a professional psychologist was noted. The pathophysiological mechanisms of the
influence of maternal stress on fetal health have been studied.
Even before birth, all the experiences of the mother affect the child. It has been proven that during maternal
stress, the baby's behavior changes. He becomes restless, can suck his thumb, and his heartbeat becomes
heightened and accelerated. It was found that stress can have a detrimental effect on obstetric outcome and child
development, both during pregnancy and in the postnatal period. The short-term and long-term consequences of
the influence of maternal stress on the child's body are considered. Information on diseases of children, presumably
associated with stress transferred in the womb, is presented. Also, recommendations were selected to eliminate
and reduce the significance of the influence of stress factors for the safe intrauterine development of the fetus and
to minimize the negative consequences for its body in the future


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How to Cite
KrasinaЕ.А, S.A Darsigova, and A.V Barilo. 2022. “IMPACT OF MOTHER’S STRESS ON HER HEALTH AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT.”. EurasianUnionScientists, November, 03-06.