Aim. To assess the social status and methods of psychological protection of the individual in a number of organized populations in several typical regions (5 cities of Russia), as well as to compare the identified psychological characteristics with traditional risk factors (FR) and chronic non-communicable diseases in a prospective population study.
Material and methods. In 2010 - 2011, in five cities of Russia (Nizhny Novgorod, Veliky Novgorod,
Vologda, Nalchik, Omsk), screening was conducted on full (representative) samples from organized populations (at least 500 people in each, with a response to the survey from 80 to 90%). A total of 2,227 people were examined: 1,336 women and 891 men aged 25-75 years. In 2012-2014, a prospective (through 3 years) population study in the cities of Nizhny Novgorod, Nalchik, Veliky Novgorod and Omsk. Screening of the same organized population was conducted in 1202 people (response-64.7%). The questionnaires for assessment of social-economic status, somatic and psychological health, life style index or psychological defense mechanisms, pathogen reflection, psychotism scale, hospital scale of anxiety and depression, international stress scale, as well as the moral potential of person were methods of screening.
Results. It was exposed that among the mechanisms of psychological defenses primitive ones dominated, especially projection, replacement, denial and suppression; the pathogen reflection style was formed in the most of the respondents. In process of mathematic analysis we used the method of «simple cross-tabulation» for join all negative mechanisms of psychological defense. It gives us the possibility to show their significant connection with the most somatic diseases in the personal history (р<0,001).
Conclusion. Psychological parameters significant dominate over physiological signs in their impact on the health. Thus it demands necessity to take into account the psychological status in the health improving process.
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