• V.A. Fomichev Novosibirsk State Medical University
  • E.V Oktyabrskaya Novosibirck State Medikal University
  • A.S Mezueva Novosibirsk State Medical University
Keywords: preterm labor, regional anesthesia, cortisol and blood glucose, motor and sensory blockade.


On the basis of a random sample, 150 women in labor with spontaneous premature birth were selected into
three clinical groups, comparable according to the ASA, the Fisher scale, and a number of anthropometric
parameters. In the main group (n = 69), single-stage sacral anesthesia with 0.2% bupivacaine solution was used,
in the 1st comparison group (n = 49), prolonged epidural anesthesia with 0.125% bupivacaine solution was
performed, and in the 2nd comparison group (n = 32), labor was performed with using pudendal anesthesia andsubcutaneous injection of 2% promedol. In these groups, the content of cortisol and glucose in the blood was
assessed; the assessment of pain syndrome, motor and sensory block was carried out. It was revealed that the
proposed variant of sacral anesthesia provides the same protection as epidural anesthesia, but with a significant
decrease in the level of motor block.м


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How to Cite
Fomichev, V.A., E.V Oktyabrskaya, and A.S Mezueva. 2022. “EFFICIENCY OF ANESTHETIC SUPPORT FOR PREMATURE CHILDBIRTH WITH DIFFERENT OPTIONS”. EurasianUnionScientists, December, 18-21. https://bio-med.euroasia-science.ru/index.php/Euroasia/article/view/839.